Research projects |
SPReW - Generational approach to the social patterns of relation to work - for the Programme "Citizens
and governance in the knowledge-based society", under the sixth
European framework programme of R&D (2006-2008) |
Welcome on the web page of SPReW,
updated 7 June 2010
Cette page existe aussi en version
française. |
In memoriam
Rainer Zoll died in May 2010. He was the SPReW coordinator for the German team. Through two years of collaboration, all the SPReW partners appreciated his acute scientific contribution to the project and his friendliness in informal time. We share the sorrow of his family and friends and particularly, Elisabeth, his wife, who actively shared the project with us. We want to pay him a tribute through this web site. He remains an inspiration to all of us.
Project outcomes
Book published
Patricia Vendramin (ed.)
Generations at work and social cohesion in Europe
P.I.E. Peter Lang, Brussels, 2010
(324 pp.)
Work & Sociey Series, No. 68
ISBN 978-90-5201-647-4
Price: 35.50 €
Publication drawn from the results of the SPReW project |
Downloadable documents
Printable list of downloadable reports and documents (PDF)
Research reports
Deliverable 11
Changing social patterns of relation to work - Final synthesis report
Edited by Patricia Vendramin (FTU)
October 2008
, 180 pp. (active PDF document)
Vendramin Patricia (editor, FTU), Belit Saka (IAW), Bureau Marie-Christine (CEE), Carvalho Sandra (CIS), Castro Paula (CIS), Cultiaux John (FTU), Damhuis Lotte (FTU), Davoine Lucie (CEE), Delay Béatrice (CEE), Franco Maria Teresa (FRPS), Füleki Katalin (MTA-PTI), Greco Sylvana (FRPS), Grützmacher Nicole (IAW), Lebano Adele (FRPS), Méda Dominique (CEE), Monaco Marina (SDA), Nogal A. (CIS), Passos Ana (CIS), Polyacskó Orsolya (MTA-PTI), Ponzellini Anna Maria (FRPS), Richter Götz (IAW), Soares Celia (CIS), Vajda Júlia (MTA-PTI), Valenduc Gérard (FTU), Wang Michal (CEE), Zoll-Grubert Elisabeth (IAW).
Executive summary
Changing social patterns of relation to work - Executive summary
October 2008
, 20 pp. (PDF document)
Deliverable 7
Changing social patterns of relation to work - Conclusions and recommendations
Anna Ponzellini, Adele Lebano (FRPS)
August 2008, 32 pp. (PDF document, 332 ko)
Deliverable 6
Changing social patterns of relation to work - Cross-national comparative analysis
Anna Ponzellini, Adele Lebano (FRPS)
June 2008, 36 pp. (PDF document, 332 ko)
Deliverable 1
Generational approach to the social patterns of relation to work
Conceptual framework and state of the art
Edited by Patricia Vendramin (FTU)
January 2007
, 164 pp. (active PDF document)
SPReW Report (Deliverable 1)
Generational approach to the social patterns of relation to work
Edited by Patricia Vendramin
Contributions from Bureau Marie-Christine, Castro Paula, Cultiaux John, Davoine Lucie, Delay Béatrice, Füleki Katalin, Grützmacher Nicole, Knop Alexander, Méda Dominique, Nogal Ângela, Passos Ana, Polyacskó Orsolya, Ponzellini Anna Maria, Richter Götz, Vajda Júlia, Valenduc Gérard, Vendramin Patricia, Wong Michal, Zoll Rainer, Zoll-Grubert Elisabeth
Series “EU research on social sciences and humanities”
EUR 22702ISBN 978-92-79-04874-6
European Commission, Brussels, 2007
Paper version on request by e-mail |
General bibliography
November 2006, 32 pp. (PDF document)
Deliverable 2
Research hypotheses
Edited by Götz Richter, Rainer Zoll, Elisabeth Zoll-Grubert (IAW), Patricia Vendramin (FTU)
November 2006, 35 pp. (PDF document)
Deliverable 3
Changing social patterns of relation to work - Qualitative approach through biographies and group interviews
Edited by Patricia Vendramin (FTU)
January 2008, 332 pp.
(PDF document, 1.3 Mo)
Vendramin Patricia (editor, FTU, Belgium), Bureau Marie-Christine (CEE, France), Castro Paula (CIS, Portugal), Cultiaux John (FTU, Belgium), Davoine Lucie (CEE, France), Delay Béatrice (CEE, France), Füleki Katalin (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Greco Sylvana (FRPS, Italy), Lebano Adele (FRPS, Italy), Méda Dominique (CEE, France), Polyacskó Orsolya (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Soares Celia (CIS, Portugal), Ponzellini Anna M. (FRPS, Italy), Richter Götz (IAW, Germany), Vajda Júlia (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Zoll Rainer (IAW, Germany), Zoll-Grubert Elisabeth (IAW, Germany).
Deliverable 4
Changing social patterns of relation to work - Overview and apparaisal of existing quantitative surveys
Edited by Patricia Vendramin (FTU)
March 2008, 268 pp.
(PDF document, 995 ko)
Vendramin Patricia (editor, FTU, Belgium), Belit Saka (IAW, Germany), Carvalho Sandra (CIS, Portugal), Cultiaux John (FTU, Belgium), Damhuis Lotte (FTU, Belgium), Davoine Lucie (CEE, France), Delay Béatrice (CEE, France), Franco Maria Teresa (FRPS, Italy), Füleki Katalin (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Méda Dominique (CEE, France), Passos Ana (CIS, Portugal), Polyacskó Orsolya (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Ponzellini Anna M. (FRPS, Italy), Richter Götz (IAW, Germany), Vajda Júlia (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Valenduc Gérard (FTU, Belgium), Zoll-Grubert Elisabeth (IAW, Germany).
Deliverable 5
Changing social patterns of relation to work - Selection of good policy practices
Edited by Marina Monaco (SDA)
March 2008, 174 pp.
(PDF document, 611 ko)
Monaco Marina (editor, SDA), Carvalho Sandra (CIS, Portugal), Cultiaux John (FTU, Belgium), Damhuis Lotte (FTU, Belgium), Davoine Lucie (CEE, France), Delay Béatrice (CEE, France), Füleki Katalin (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Greco Silvana (FRPS, Italy), Méda Dominique (CEE, France), Passos Ana (CIS, Portugal), Polyacskó Orsolya (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Richter Götz (IAW, Germany), Vajda Júlia (MTA-PTI, Hungary), Valenduc Gérard (FTU, Belgium), Vendramin Patricia (FTU, Belgium), Zoll-Grubert Elisabeth (IAW, Germany).
Project partners SPReW
Project co-ordinator
Fondation Travail-Université (FTU)
Work & Technology Research
Project co-ordinator: Patricia Vendramin (pvendramin@ftu-namur.org)
Other researchers: John Cultiaux, Lotte Damhuis, Gérard Valenduc
Project partners
Centre for Social Research and
Intervention (CIS) - ISCTE Lisbon
Project manager: Paula Castro (paula.castro@iscte.pt)
Other researchers: Ana Passos, Angela Nogal, Sandra Carvalho, Celia Soares
Pietro Seveso
Project manager : Anna Maria Ponzellini (ponzmi@tin.it)
Other researchers: Adele Lebano, Silvana Greco, Maria Teresa Franco
Institut Arbeit und Wirtschaft, University of Bremen
Project manager: Götz Richter (richter.goetz@baua.bund.de)
Other researchers: Rainer Zoll, Nicole Grützmacher, Elisabeth Zoll-Grubert, Saka Belit
Centre for European Employment Studies, Institute for Political Science of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA PTI), Budapest
Project manager: Julia Vajda (h13073vaj@ella.hu)
Other researchers: Katalin Füleki, Orsolya Polyacskó
Social Development Agency, Agency of the European Trade Union Confederation
Project manager: Claudio Stanzani (cstanzani@etuc.org)
Other researcher: Marina Monaco
Direction de l’Animation de la Recherche, des Etudes et des Statistiques (DARES),
Ministère de l’emploi, du travail et de la cohesion sociale, Paris
Project manager: Hélène Garner (helene.garner@dares.travail.gouv.fr)
Centre d’Etude de l’Emploi (CEE), Paris
Project manager: Dominique Méda
Other researchers: Marie-Christine Bureau, Lucie Davoine, Béatrice Delay, Michal Wong

Consortium meeting in October 2006 in Paris. From left to right: Orsolya Polyacskó (MTA-PTI), John Cultiaux (FTU), Katalin Füleki (MTA-PTI), Götz Richter (IAW), Michal Wong (CEE), Julia Vajda (MTA-PTI), Alex Knop (IAW), Cinzia Sechi (SDA), Béatrice Delay (CEE), Patricia Vendramin (FTU), Dominique Méda (CEE), Gérard Valenduc (FTU), Lucie Davoine (CEE), Adele Lebano (FRPS), Paula Castro (CIS), Hélène Garner (DARES).